jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

On my next vacation, I'm going to Chillan. My paternal aunt bought land outside the city to build himself a country house. In february My dad, my mom, my two brothers, my husband, my daughter and me will go together of holidays.
Last year we went to the same place, but my husband had to stay home. The place we're going is a small town, the name is... I don't remember, but It's more or less at one our of the centre of Chillan in car. As the haus is under construction, we have to bring tents for camping, inflatable mattresses to sleep and kitchen.
The land is on a hill, there are many trees and a big pot, there are also many blackberries, which I gather then make jam at home. 


martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

My favourite cartoons when I was a girl

When I was about eight years my favourite cartoons was Sailor Moon. I loved this anime series, It was very romantic and exciting. I was completely convinced that I was Serena.  I danced to the music and I magically transformed repeating: by the power of the rectangular prism ... transformation. I played with my circle of friends and all of us had a character. I remember to sailor mercury, Amy was my second favorite sailor because she was very intelligent and shy. My cousin and best friend was Ray, sailor mars. she was temperamental, impulsive and proud.
I also remember to sailor venus, the most lazy and righteous blonde and sailor jupiter, the strongest and serious. Remember that time is fun, children have active imaginations.
Unforgettable is Darien, the platonic love of Serena. Also called Tuxedo mask, a man hot, pretty and courageous. He always appears at the right time to save the protagonist of the villains. I imagined that Darien was a boy at school that I liked, his name was Antonio but he never was interested in me.

Now I hate anime, although I grew up watching on TV. Dislike that my daughter spends a lot of time watching tv, I prefer that she entertains playing.

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

My Future Job

Hello Guys!  When I finish studying pedagogy in arts I would like work in a prison. Where I live there two prison of high security, Colina I and Colina II, right in front of my haus.
I'm used to living with crime. Persons deprived of their liberty commit an offense, they make a mistake but they are also victims. The biggest social problem is the inequality in Chile, if resources were better distributed not exist so much social inequality. A child growing up in a dysfunctional family hardly managed to leave the circle of crime.
One day I saw on TV that they had a goldsmithing workshop, create copper plaques with famous faces of  our culture and They presented their work in the Moneda.
I imagine that I could make a art experimental workshop or engraved, fantastic would teach different things. Commonly workshops are for prisoners with good conduct and and they are focused to generate some kind of ability in them.
I’s important to also teach some job that allows them to generate monetary resources, because for majority is very difficult to find work after.
My worst nightmare is to work in an office, I prefer interacting with people.

I would like to continue studying later, I hope I could do the MA in Art Therapy, It would be a good complement to supplement my job.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

My plans for after uni are study arts pedagogy in the department of educational studies of this university, at the Faculty of Philosophy. I'm very happy because I was accepted by the institution and in march of the next year I start studying.
The subject of this career are varied, for example: psychological processes around learning, Historical understanding and sociological school and aducation, construction of knowledge in teaching and virtual environments, perspectives on ethics training and citizen, young person: sociocultural aspects that configure, and many more.
The duration of the career is three semesters, three semesters of hard academic work... The time is short because in the morning are the professional practices, where they send to the studen at school, and evenings are the theory class.
In the final, I make the seminar title for finally search job.
In the future I hope to a excellent aducator for the next generations, chilean education requires many changes, the childrens and teenager need good teacher and opportunities to learn in a different way.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

The best vacation I've ever been was fourt years ago.I traveled to the beach, specifically in Horcone, with my boyfriend. It was in July, for my birthday. We stay there for one weekend in a little cabin close to the beach. It was approximately nine months before I had my daughter.         We visited the nearby restaurants, the moon beach and the craft fair. Horcone is a small town of hippies known for its mysticism. 

We were very much in love, it was as a honeymoon. We went to talk by sand every night and we do not care if cold or rain. We saw so much learn from each other. We had romantic dinner one day and then we went to the nudist moon beach,that night was unforgettable. In the end of the holiday was very sad back home.

In the future I would like that my husband and me might have some time together. Not matter where, a couple  live love in any place.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Hi Guys! Today I'm going to tell you about  Perú, the country I have always wanted to know.
I would like visit Perú because It's well-know place by ther bautiful settings.
The truth is that I've not much information about this, only things that I learned in the school, in the history classs... the story of the great Inca Empire.

Sometimes I see images of ancient ruins and cities, I find really impressive! Buildings antique in the green space.

if I could go to Perú with my family, my husband and daughter, I would make the most time for visit many places, for example Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, Titicaca, Machu Picchu... maybe I would be tempted to stay there forever.

Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to live in Perú, peruvian people I look nice, the language is the same and I would not be so far from my parents.

It's a decision I need to think calmly, first you have to travel and meet.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

                                                  A walk through London

The webquest of today It was very entertaining. I think it was a different class, I learned how to find useful information on web in English when do you want to travel.
It was interesting to create an itinerary for a tour of course, It could be very useful in the future when I'm a teacher. It's fantastic would go to london and explore these different places.
The place I liked most was Kew Gardens, that beautiful landscape.
The only thing I did not like of this activity was see so many fantastic places from far away.
I would have to save a good time to travel to London.

I'm sure someday I'll be there with my family.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Dream Holidays…

In the future, when I’m a millionaire, I would like to travel to Easter Island.
I think that these place is wonderfull and It’s full of mysticism. The vegetation of the island located in Polynesia is very beatiful, nature displays all its charm.

I would like to travel in February because in this mont is celebrated the Tapati party, the main artistic and cultural activity of Rapa Nui. In this festival a series of ancient ceremonies as body painting competition (or Takona), the story of epic stories and legends (Riu) and the descent is done at high speed down a hill on trunks of young trees (or Haka Pei ) and the election of the queen of the island, which is crowned the first full moon of the month.

Probably I would want to stay and live in this paradise forever and I grieve me back to my ugly city.

All that would be fabulous witness accompanied by my family! I need a well-deserved vacations.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

One of my favorite artists is Joseph Beuys. He was born in Germany in 1921 .
In 1940 he became part of the Air force of the Nazi Army, some time later he had an accident, his plane fell in Crimea and he was rescued by native tartaros. 

Beuys conceived one of the most compelling, and still provocative, esthetic programs of the postwar period, one that continues to cause reververation. His sculpture, performance, lectures and political activism were all part of a grand, enormous goaul: the transformation of western culture into a more peaceful, democratic and creative system.
Along the way he developed a range of wildly inventive art forms and served as a model for a whole generation of young artist.

I'm interested in this artist because is one of the first in practice the performance. It's a recurrent area of interest in my work. I use his life's work as a theoretical reference every time.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Connect to the Internet..

I must admit that I'm not a faithful Internet user. I use internet only for specific things, to communicate with friends and family and to work for college.
However, It's a learning tool and work tool, many people need the computer.

The web page that I visit frequently is gmail.com, fecebook.com and fpp.uchile.
Gmail is the most usable because with the electronic mail allows me receive important information and news. It's a medium for communicate formal and informally with other people .

Facebook is our virtual society. I use this program for join to groups of trading of all tipe thing, It's a market virtual. It's funny find what you need cheap, Itś good, pretty and cheap!

Fpp.uchile.cl It's a platform that I hold in my art workshop center for sheets complete my exercises and work. It's very important, my teacher evaluates me from the archives of this.

Well after all, in these days everyone uses internet...

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

                    My favorite Photography

Hi fellow! I going to upload a picture of my daughter.
I took this photography in august of 2012 in my house in Colina.
In this shows my little girl Eluney Sol when she was four months, in that year I postponed my career of plastic art for take care of my baby.

She loves to take tit, at all hours of the day. When she was born drank milk every two or three hours, in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight... this experience was exhausting for me because I could not sleep. It's very important look for a comfortable place to nurse the baby.

This picture is one of my favorites because I remember to my princess when she was a baby.
After all freastfeed is wonderful, I feel very pleased by seeing my daughter growing up healthy.
Feed only breast milk during the firs year of life is beneficial for the future healt.

The bond of attachment and love between mom and son is incomparable.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

                                                    The Art therapy                                   


   From ancient times we may discover the benefits of art and and the origins of its therapeutic use. The contemporary society lead to concequences that have an effect on our body and mind.
                                                                       The ceaseless growing interest in the survey on this kind of therapies is due to the need to fight against certain illnesses endemis to present day’s also because of a more integral vision of patients in current medicine. 
Since the Second Word War with experience of Adrian Hill, the Art Therapy begins to be considered a therapeutic treatment.             Only a few decades ago It’s recognized as an independent discipline.
His practice has beeb progressively leading to the professionalization.

   The painting, sculpture, dance, writing, music or drama stimulate the individual’s own abilities and many people with physical and psychological problems improve quality of life.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

 My favorite pieces of technology

Hi fellow! I don't like the technology but I recognize that It's very useful and important in daily life.

My favorite pieces of technology is the microwave and the washer, especially the washer.
In January of this year I've moved of haus and my dear cousin gave them to me as a gift.

The microwave help me to save time, this kitchen appliance is splendid for to cook a fast plate.
The lunch not is a problem now!
The washer is the most important, because I wash many clothes in the week. I can't go it alone, I need aid.

Nowadays, this device are essential in the home.  I use avery day, both together simplify my life.
It's my best friend!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

                      My last year in the faculty of art...

This semester I'm finishing my career and the academic load is extremely difficult.
I have six subjects: seminary 3, seminary 6, English 3 and 4, central workshop, complementary workshop and cinemática, and I have little time.

The last semester I took a extracurricular course of sign lenguaje. It was fun ind I learned a lot about the deaf. I would like to have more time for do the level two.

I don't do activity apart from the university, oh! I'm a teacher of children in a evangelical church on Sundays.

This year I hope to close this cycle and I feel proud of my achievements and sacrifice.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

My Biography

Hello, my name is Karla Briones López and I'm student of fourth year of the career of plastic arts.
I was born in Santiago in 1990 and I grew up and currently live in Colina. I studied at Instituto Chacabuco High school, after that I entered the major in social work at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. In 2011 I decided study plastic art and this year I finish. 
In 2012 I was mom from a litlle girl, her name is Eluney Sol and she's three years. My daughter is my life, is the reason for living.
The last 25th of september I got married with my eight year long boyfriend. Now, I,m mother, wife, student and hauswife... its exhausting but I'm very very happy.